Sleeping Beauty

Once upon a time, I was a sleeping beauty. Sleep consumed me. There was never a time I had felt refreshed, or awake. Those who know me, know how important my pillows and blankets were. Five pillows to be exact. Two flat pillows for basic positioning, one fantastic pillow laid horizontally, for where I rest my head and chest. Yet another small pillow, to support my ribs. Finally the last pillow, a long feather down pillow, for between my legs. My legs constantly hurt. Yes, I have no pillows to spare you. I know I have five, but I need them, can’t sleep without them. My husband would say that I created quite a barricade!

pillows piled in the corner of a bed

pillows piled in the corner of a bed (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Most who have been following me, know that I stopped taking Morphine, and oxycotin for my pain. Just bad stuff, and I have Chronic Kidney Disease, so of course the medications were horrible for my kidneys. I sneak ibuprofen once in a great while, but sadly, that too is bad for my kidneys. So I just tolerate the pain. Pain did not go away with these medications, but they obviously made me extremely tired. I still take Lyrica. It is a non-narcotic medication, specifically targeted for those with Fibromyalgia. I’m afraid to stop taking that, although I will, eventually. I’m afraid of the pain if I stopped taking that also.

Today, I am no longer a sleeping beauty. It’s not fun though. My body seems constantly pumping with adrenaline, the pain limits my activity, so I lie awake in pain, and as if I had just consumed a pot of coffee. I’m not complaining of the pain of course, I’m complaining of the lack to recuperate from a flare-up.

I finally received a decent nap today! Much needed rest! I’m hoping that tonight also, I will receive a good rest. Without the sleep, my flare-ups don’t seem to get better. I have to admit though, that this energy surge is way better than sleeping all the time! I have to find a peaceful, middle ground.

So here’s to health and trying to be healthy. Everyone has obstacles, mine is pain. Oh, and lack of sleep. I have sleeping pills, but I won’t take them! Not good for you! No more sleeping beauty, she has finally been awakened and ready to continue her journey!

My Progress 3

This is really good. I am so excited, because I used not one pain pill yesterday. I was really worried about the night time, because I was hurting really bad. But, I got through it, and was very happy. I do still take my Lyrica 3 times a day, but it is non-narcotic!

I’m still experiencing pain, but I’m just barely tolerating it with the Lyrica. I had a All my medsheadache today, and even refused to take ibuprofen. Ibuprofen does a number on my kidneys, and as stated in earlier posts, I have chronic kidney disease. I’m also experiencing feeling like I’m coming down with a bad cold. Nothing to mask the symptoms anymore. And now, I will walk around feeling as if I’m coming down with the flu. I’m not, but besides the pain, I always feel sick. Lastly, I am so tired. I’ve been getting normal hours of sleep, and am glad that I wake up earlier than noon!

My family, here at home, just does not identify with what I’m going through. It hurts my feelings really bad. I have this amazing goal, but I don’t think they understand that I’m still adjusting. I’m too young to become an addict. Pain pills for many, lead to abuse and dependence. Then they are faced with having to go through methadone treatment. No, not me. Not gonna happen. However, Even though I followed my prescribed treatment, I will am and having withdrawl symptoms. That is why I have not stopped taking my Lyrica yet. My family at HOME doesn’t understand. Hopefully, they will notice changes that are happening, and not going away! If they don’t adjust themselves, I just don’t know what to say to that. To end this, I pray and hope that tonight is as good as yesterday! Love you all!